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[환경] 低탄소 식생활을 위한 탄소발자국 푸드앱 ◇ AFN의 기자 Lucy Ngige "UK’s Reewild is bringing carbon tracking to consumers via a mobile app as corporates like Nestle consider carbon labels" 국문번역 및 재구성 (02.22.'23 보도) Reewild is bringing carbon tracking to consumers via a mobile app UK's Reewild has developed a mobile app where users can view carbon scores of a variety of food products and track their daily carbon calories. agfundernews.com ● .. 2023. 2. 24.
[대체육] 미생물로 실제 고기같은 대체육을...? ◇ EU-Startups의 기자 Thomas Ohr "Brussels-based Paleo just raised €12 million to bring the real taste of meat to plant-based foods" 국문번역 및 재구성 (02.21.'23 보도) Brussels-based Paleo just raised €12 million to bring the real taste of meat to plant-based foods | EU-Startups The Belgian foodtech startup Paleo has closed a Series A funding of €12 million to scale up production of key ingredients for plant.. 2023. 2. 23.
[업사이클링] 톱밥 같은 목재 부산물로 식용 기름을 만든다고? ◇ EU-Startups의 Patricia Allen 기자 "Creating food from agricultural and wood sidestreams? Estonian startup ÄIO lands €1 million to make it happen" 국문번역 및 재구성 (02.10.'23 보도) Creating food from agricultural and wood sidestreams? Estonian startup ÄIO lands €1 million to make it happen | EU-Startups Tallinn-based ÄIO has just secured €1 million to create alternative oils and fats, that are edible, dev.. 2023. 2. 15.
[AI] 메뉴판도 AI로? 메뉴 사진 만들어주는 AI 등장 ◇ INSIDER의 Nancy Luna 기자 "Restaurants are now using generative AI to create menu photos that could convince customers to order more" 국문번역 및 재구성 (02.12.'23 보도) Restaurants are now using generative AI to create menu photos that could convince customers to order more Food tech startup Lunchbox is using OpenAI's tech for its AI Food Generator. OpenAI is the firm behind ChatGPT. www.businessinsider.c.. 2023. 2. 14.
[헬스케어] 美 대형마트 알버트슨, 헬스케어 플랫폼 런칭 ◇ GROCERY DIVE의 Sam Silverstein 기자 Albertsons launches digital health platform 요약 (02.07.'23 보도) Albertsons launches digital health platform “Sincerely Health” helps shoppers make choices to improve their well-being and rewards them for their progress. www.grocerydive.com ● 알버트슨 - 헬스케어 플랫폼 "Sincerely Health" ○ 나의 건강점수를 올리자! ... 건강 목표 달성 시, 할인 포인트 제공 ㅇ 일종의 건강정보 제공 서비스로, 건강보험社와 함께 개발 (02.06.'23 출시.. 2023. 2. 9.
[업사이클링] 日스타트업, 맥주 찌꺼기로 종이 개발 ◇ KYODO NEWS의 Masaki Sato기자 FEATURE: Japan craft brewers drink to success of startup's new "beer paper 요약 (02.03.'23 보도) FEATURE: Japan craft brewers drink to success of startup's new "beer paper" Beer lovers in Japan faced with many lager options have turned to craft beers to find flavor, but with increased demand has come a challenge for small brewers who now have to discard huge amounts of ma.. 2023. 2. 9.