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3분만에 피자가 쑥!...디지오르노의 피자 자판기 ◇ Food&Wine의 "Hot DiGiorno Pizza Could Be Coming to a Vending Machine Near You" 국문번역 (07.25.'23보도) DiGiorno Finally Wants to Deliver Pizza ... Via Vending Machines DiGiorno is testing a pair of "pizza kiosks" that can quickly bake a frozen pizza in just a few minutes. The first public pizza vending machine is being tested at a Walmart in Colorado. www.foodandwine.com ● 피자 자판기 'Digiorno To go' ○ .. 2023. 7. 27.
겉은 대두, 속은 고기? 대체육용 '돼지콩' 개발 ◇ FoodNavigator EUROPE - "Moolec Science produces pork proteins in soy with molecular farming tech (foodnavigator.com)" 국문번역 및 재구성 (07.24.'23 보도) Pork proteins produced in soy? Molecular farming tech produces pig-plant protein hybrid soybean Molecular farming company Moolec Science is combining plant-based and cell-based technologies to produce pork protein in soy. www.foodnavigator.com ● 돼지고기 단.. 2023. 7. 26.
[中스타트업] 쿠킹로봇...3분에 20인분 자동 조리 ◇ techcrunch의 "Kitchen robot Botinkit raises $13M from DJI angel and others | TechCrunch" 국문번역 및 재구성 (07.20.'23 보도) Kitchen robot Botinkit raises $13M from DJI angel and others | TechCrunch Having worked in the food industry for several years, Shirley Chen saw firsthand the challenges of managing staffing and training for restaurant expansion. So when she met her future co-founders, she saw an o.. 2023. 7. 20.
[네슬레] 효소로 우유/주스에 함유된 당 줄인다 ◇ FoodNavigator의 "Nestlé enzyme tech cuts sugars intrinsically present in malt, milk and fruit juice" 국문번역 및 재구성 (07.18.'23 보도) Nestlé enzyme tech cuts sugars intrinsically present in malt, milk and fruit juice The enzymatic process reduces sugar without needing to add sweeteners or bulking agents to replace its volume. www.foodnavigator.com ● 네슬레의 당 저감 기술 ○ 자체 효소기술로, 과일즙·우유·맥아의 천연당↓ 【네슬레의 新기술】 .. 2023. 7. 19.