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커피 대체할 천연 카페인 원료, 야우폰 (Yaupon) ◇ FoodNavigator의 "Yaupon: climate-friendly caffeine touted “crop of the future”" 국문번역 및 재구성 (08.04.'23 보도) Yaupon: climate-friendly caffeine touted “crop of the future” The climate-resilient Yaupon crop, with leaves rich in theobromine, polyphenols, and 30% less caffeine than coffee, has been growing in popularity for use within holistic health-promoting beverages. www.foodnavigator.com ● 야우폰 (Y.. 2023. 8. 8.
게임만 해도 할인쿠폰을 주는 美 슈퍼마켓 ◇ GroceryDive의 "How Albertsons is gamifying summer savings" 국문번역 (07.31.'23보도) How Albertsons is gamifying summer savings Grocery Dive explored the grocery company's Flavor Adventure online game, which lets shoppers play to unlock recipes, digital coupons, sweepstakes entries and prizes. www.grocerydive.com ● 美 슈퍼마켓 앨버트슨스 ○ 온라인 게임으로 상품 및 브랜드 홍보 더보기 ※ 앨버트슨스 1939년 설립, 美 최대 식품 및 의약품 소매업체 중 하나 美 35개.. 2023. 8. 8.
세계 최초! AI가 개발한 에너지 드링크 '헬 AI' ◇ FoodNavigator의 "World's first' energy drink developed by artificial intelligence" 국문번역 (07.28.'23보도) 'World’s first’ energy drink developed by artificial intelligence In Hungary, a beverage manufacturer claims to have produced the 'world’s first’ energy drink completely designed by AI. www.foodnavigator.com ● 상품 기획부터 마케팅까지 AI가 만들어... ○ 헝가리 음료 회사 'Hell Energy Drink' 더보기 ※ 헬 에너지 드링크 ('06~) 헝가리 에.. 2023. 8. 2.
귀찮은 아보카도 손질 작업 대신 해주는 로봇? ◇ Restaurant Dive의 "Chipotle wants to improve speed with grills, robots" 국문번역 및 재구성 (07.28.'23보도) Chipotle wants to improve speed with grills, robots The fast casual chain is trialing automated kitchen equipment that can trim prep time in half, in some cases, as it looks to improve accuracy and throughput. www.restaurantdive.com ● '오토카도 (Autocado)' ○ 치폴레 x 美 스타트업 'Vebu Labs' 공동 개발 더보기 ※ Vebu Lab.. 2023. 8. 2.