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곰팡이로 만든 비건 크림치즈 ◇ vegconomist의 "Nature’s Fynd Expands Nationwide Presence at Whole Foods with Dairy-Free Cream Cheese" 국문번역 및 재구성 (09.04.'23 보도) Nature’s Fynd Expands Nationwide Presence at Whole Foods with Dairy-Free Cream Cheese - vegconomist - the vegan business magaz Nature’s Fynd is extending its reach by introducing its Dairy-Free Original Cream Cheese at select Whole Foods Market locations nationwide. Th.. 2023. 9. 7.
폐효모의 재탄생! 업사이클링 효모 단백질 ◇ FoodNavigator의 "'A strong vote of confidence': Alt protein made from spent yeast backed by Lesaffre" 국문번역 및 재구성 (09.04.'23 보도) ‘A strong vote of confidence’: Alt protein made from spent yeast backed by Lesaffre The world’s largest producer of ‘natural’ food ingredients derived from microorganisms is taking a 10% share in Israeli alternative protein maker Yeap. www.foodnavigator.com ● Yeap 100 .. 2023. 9. 7.
AI로 단맛을 수치화하다! ◇ nocamels의 "Startup Maps Tastes To Create Your Ideal Meal Every Time" 국문번역 및 재구성 (08.23.'23 보도) Startup Maps Tastes To Create Your Ideal Meal Every Time An Israeli startup has found a way of mapping how each food tastes, with the aim of creating a meal tailored to your taste buds every time. nocamels.com ● Taste Gage ○ AI 기반 알고리즘으로 제품의 객관적인 단 맛 평가 ㅇ 이스라엘 스타트업 'MAMAY technologies' ('22~), 식품 및 음.. 2023. 8. 30.
스티커 하나로 신선식품 유통기한을 늘린다?! ◇ FoodNavigator의 "New tool to boost fruit and vegetable shelf life and cut waste" 국문번역 및 재구성 (08.21.'23 보도) New tool to boost fruit and vegetable shelf life and cut waste The technology – from Poland-based food-tech company Fresh Inset – promises to preserve freshness, vitamins and antioxidants. www.foodnavigator.com ● FreshInset ○ 신선 식품 유통기한 연장 스티커 'Vidre+' ㅇ 폴란드 식품 기술 회사 FreshInset ('18~), 신선 .. 2023. 8. 30.