푸드테크33 HEINZ가 선보인 소스 디스펜서 ◇ THE SPOON의 Michael Wolf "Heinz Introduces REMIX, a Coca-Cola Freestyle for Condiments" 국문번역(05.17.'23 보도) Heinz Introduces REMIX, a Coca-Cola Freestyle for Condiments I have to admit I was not expecting to write about Heinz condiment product today, but a big company surprises you every now and then. No, it’s not MayoChup or Wasabioli, but the Heinz REMIX, … thespoon.tech ● 디지털 소스 디스펜서 'REMIX' .. 2023. 5. 24. 천연 과일주스에서 당만 쏙! 제거한다 ◇ FoodBusinessNews의 기자 Brooke Just "NewTree Fruit Company sees opportunity in de-sugared beverages" 국문번역 (05.16.'23 보도) NewTree Fruit Company sees opportunity in de-sugared beverages Company offers reduced sugar offerings through patented culturing method. www.foodbusinessnews.net ● 과일주스의 당을 저감하는 기술 보유 ○ NewTree Fruit Co ㅇ '14년 설립된 美기업으로, 주스 등 과일음료의 항산화 성분, 비타민 등 기능성 성분들은 보존하되 당만 저감하는 특허 기술 보유 과.. 2023. 5. 17. 챗GPT가 개발한 레시피는, 역시 기똥찰까? ◇ THE SPOON의 기자 Michael Wolf "Recipe for Disaster? ChatGPT is Tasked to Create Unique, Tasty Dishes and Fails Miserably " 국문번역 (05.11.'23) Recipe for Disaster? ChatGPT is Tasked to Create Unique, Tasty Dishes and Fails Miserably So you think your newfound ability to prompt ChatGPT for AI-generated recipes could result in a culinary masterpiece? Hold that thought, advises the World of Vegan, a po.. 2023. 5. 17. 마시고 싶은 맥주를 출력한다! 맥주 프린터 ◇ THE SPOON의 기자 Michael Wolf "Thirsty For a Beer? Let’s Print You Up a Frothy Cold One" 국문번역 및 재구성 (05.04.'23 보도) Thirsty For a Beer? Let’s Print You Up a Frothy Cold One Say it’s Friday night, and you’re having friends over to have a beer and watch the game. You ask your buddy what type of beer she likes, and when she tells you she wants a hoppy IPA, yo… thespoon.tech ● 세계 최초의 분자 맥주 프린터 개발 ○ 벨기.. 2023. 5. 10. 이전 1 ··· 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 다음