푸드테크33 효모로 만든 100% 식물성 카제인 ◇ FoodDive의 "Alternative protein company creates first of its kind plant-based casein" 국문번역 및 재구성 (09.14.'23 보도) Alternative protein company creates first of its kind plant-based casein Pureture wants to become an industry leader in mimicking both the nutritional and functional value of animal-based dairy products, such as cheese and milk. www.fooddive.com ● 효모 단백질 기반 식물성 카제인 ○ 퓨어처 (Pureture) ㅇ .. 2023. 9. 20. 3D 프린터로 출력된 비건 버거, 대학 식당에 등장? ◇ wvnews의 "SavorEat Debuts First Plant-Based Robot Chef in the U.S. through Sodexo Partnership" 국문번역 및 재구성 (09.11.'23 보도) SavorEat Debuts First Plant-Based Robot Chef in the U.S. through Sodexo Partnership TEL AVIV, Israel--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sep 11, 2023-- www.wvnews.com ● 식물성 버거 3D 프린터 'Robot Chef' ○ 세이버이트 (SavorEat) ㅇ 이스라엘 푸드테크 스타트업 SavorEat ('18~), 식품 서비스 업체 Sodexo와 협력하여 3D 푸드프린터 '로봇 쉐프' 美 시장 .. 2023. 9. 12. 폐효모의 재탄생! 업사이클링 효모 단백질 ◇ FoodNavigator의 "'A strong vote of confidence': Alt protein made from spent yeast backed by Lesaffre" 국문번역 및 재구성 (09.04.'23 보도) ‘A strong vote of confidence’: Alt protein made from spent yeast backed by Lesaffre The world’s largest producer of ‘natural’ food ingredients derived from microorganisms is taking a 10% share in Israeli alternative protein maker Yeap. www.foodnavigator.com ● Yeap 100 .. 2023. 9. 7. 스티커 하나로 신선식품 유통기한을 늘린다?! ◇ FoodNavigator의 "New tool to boost fruit and vegetable shelf life and cut waste" 국문번역 및 재구성 (08.21.'23 보도) New tool to boost fruit and vegetable shelf life and cut waste The technology – from Poland-based food-tech company Fresh Inset – promises to preserve freshness, vitamins and antioxidants. www.foodnavigator.com ● FreshInset ○ 신선 식품 유통기한 연장 스티커 'Vidre+' ㅇ 폴란드 식품 기술 회사 FreshInset ('18~), 신선 .. 2023. 8. 30. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 ··· 9 다음