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美 유통업체의 식품 폐기물 감축 방법 ◇ Grocery Dive - "SpartanNash, Flashfood collaboration diverts 1M pounds of food waste" 국문번역 및 재구성 (07.06.'23 보도) SpartanNash, Flashfood collaboration diverts 1M pounds of food waste The milestone comes three years after the companies launched their partnership, which they said has saved shoppers $1.9 million on groceries. www.grocerydive.com ● (美) 스파르탄내시 사례 ○ 유통기한 임박상품 판매 · AI 기반 재고관리 통해 폐기물 감축.. 2023. 7. 14.
잘려고 먹어요, 수면 보조 식품 인기 ◇ FOODDIVE의 기자 Alexandra Frost "Eating your way to sleep? CPGs are keeping a close eye on sleep-inducing food products" 국문번역 및 재구성 (06.20.'23 보도) Eating your way to sleep? CPGs are keeping a close eye on sleep-inducing food products Late-night meals are a way to boost sales by creating a fourth meal that follows dinner and appeals to a tired nation. www.fooddive.com ● 초콜릿, 시리얼 등 스낵과 접목된 수면 보조 식품.. 2023. 6. 23.
베이글 하나로 77억 투자 받은 스타트업 [BetterBrand] ◇ Forbes의 기자 Douglas Yu "Food Tech Startup BetterBrand Notches Record $170 Million Valuation After Series A Funding" 국문번역 (06.21.'23 보도) Food Tech Startup BetterBrand Notches Record $170 Million Valuation After Series A Funding BetterBrand, best known for its low-carb, high-protein frozen bagels produced with IP-protected Grain-changing Technology™, has amassed $6 million in a recent funding. ww.. 2023. 6. 23.
美 푸드 업사이클링 선도 기업, [업사이클 옥수수 밀가루] 선보여 ◇ Specialty Food Association의 "Renewal Mill Launches New Upcycled Corn Flour, Debuts in Seven Sundays" New Protein Cereal" 국문번역 및 재구성 (06.08.'23 보도) Renewal Mill Launches New Upcycled Corn Flour, Debuts in Seven Sundays’ New Protein Cereal | News www.specialtyfood.com ● 리뉴얼밀(Renewal Mill) ○ 美 대표 업사이클링 기업, 콩비지 같은 부산물로 베이킹 가루, 쿠키믹스 등 제조 ('16~) ㅇ 대표 제품으로는 글루텐 프리 밀가루(두유 부산물인 콩비지로 제조), 귀리 단백질(귀리우유 부산.. 2023. 6. 12.